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Illinois: Skype Shows and the Moviesque Goodbye

On the 29th, we drove to Wheaton, Il. We did not have any shows booked, but had a few family performances. We stayed at Joe’s house, so naturally played for his fam there. Then on the 30th we visited my Chicago fam, where we played for not only them but my cousins in London, and my cousin in the Carolinas via Skype.

The night of the 30th we went into Chicago to meet up with Alex Kruser, the amazing lead guitarist I got to play with all semester, who almost came on tour with us. We went out caught up on life since we saw him last (7 days ago.) On our way with our train beverages.

But the best story of this night is the goodbye. I have had a few good movie moments in my life, but this was the most movie-like goodbye I’ve had to date.

We said our goodbyes not knowing how or when we would see each other again. We went to the train station to go our opposite directions. When we got to the top to wait for our train in the dimly lit Chicago station, and there was Alex, waiting alone on the other side. We were too far to talk, but we tried. Then our train came, we hopped on and stood by the door window as the train began to pull from the station. We waved a sorrowful goodbye until we could no longer see him in the distance. It was like a movie.

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