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"I Miss You Like Summer. What a Great Song."-Amy Grant to me


This morning Amy Grant came to CMC to talk to us about her experiences in life and the music industry, as well as play a private show for us. She was one of the wisest and most inspiring people I have ever heard speak.

She was just full of life lessons, from what not to do on tour, what kinds of people to surround yourself with, to love.

When she entered CMC, we welcomed her with a live performance of “Henderson’s Girl.” In the middle of her amazing words of encouragement and wisdom, we took a hiatus and preformed “Summer.”

After the song everyone had exited the stage, except me, because I was having trouble unplugging my guitar. As I was about to walk off, our director Warren said, “I don’t think you two have met, but Amy, this is Kylie. And Kylie, this is Amy Grant.” Amy said, “Nice to meet you Kylie,” as we shook hands. Then said, “I miss you like Summer, what a great idea. Great song.”

Then she blew our minds with more wisdom, while making us laugh, and played some songs for us.

I grew up on her music, and today she complimented a song I wrote, what a cool day…

Amy talking to us.

Here we are playing Henderson’s Girl.

Playing Summer.

Amy Grant playing for us.

Gril pic with Amy.

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