Tonight we had the CMC Grammy’s. Yes, we are serious. Black ties, beautiful dresses, real trophies, live performances, announcers, nominees, the whole shebang.
I had the pleasure of assisting in the planing of this event, being that I am an Apartment Liaison aka AL (which is a fancy word for RA). With the planning I also had to take care of some last minute details. This involved searching for firewood at multiple grocery stores while dressed like this.
It was like a social experiment, and yes everyone does a double take when there is a couple of dressed up folk in the grocery store lookin for wood.
Then the Grammy’s began. I won “Best Female Songwriter”
Then Superteam won “Best Recording.” (And don’t we look like something from another era)
Then my band and I preformed my song, “Summer” as it was one of the nominees for “Best Song.”
And this would be the last time we played at the Hardscuffle with the amazing lighting time to flash as the song ends.
I have grown to love this band, these friends, and this place so much. It is sad that it is coming to an end, but exciting because of all of the adventures we have yet to experience.
Superteam. Engineer, Artist, and Manager. I am so thankful for everything Joe and Joel did for me this semester. I am really going to miss them.
I will also miss my roomies. These girls, whether they are Artists, Executives, or Techs, they are some of the most talented people I have ever met. No future living situation will ever live up to the talent, love, and drama free environment the 8 of us shared.
Now for the Vinyl Brunette Family Portrait.
And of course looking ahead, the summer tour band….that is kind of named TANAKA…
And of course the always necessary, “what do I do with my hands” photo.
And finally, a picture of the band TANAKA, with the man Tanaka.